More Madonna Drama

"I am afraid Madonna may get angry and frustrated and decide to dump my son because of these people," Banda told the Associated Press on Thursday, in reference to human rights activists in Malawi who claim the law has been bent for the singer.
"These so-called human rights activists are harassing me every day, threatening me that I am not aware of what I am doing," Banda said Thursday. "I'm afraid David may be sent back and the orphanage may not even accept him back. So where will he end up? Here? He will certainly die."
Well dad, you know, part of what's causing all the drama is the fact that you change your mind and come out with a different statement every 5 minutes. Could you just make up your mind and stick to it? Or will you still be going back and forth with different stories when the kid is 12? David is going to have a weird enough life as it is, as Madonna's kid, without having every human rights group on his case and a biological father who gave him up a year ago and now can't decide what he wants.
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