Thursday, October 05, 2006

Did Madonna adopt or not?

Madonna with her two biological children:

The battle of the news sources is on. Many reliable news sources are saying that Madonna has adopted a baby boy in Africa, as she is currently in Malawi while involved with AIDS charity work.

Madonna has reportedly added another member to her brood and adopted a one-year-old boy from the impoverished African country of Malawi.

The mother of two chose the boy from a group of 12 children that were specially chosen from four orphanages prior to her arrival. A Malawian government official said Madonna had wanted a girl but changed her mind two weeks ago.

TMZ, MSNBC, and others have claimed that Madonna DID adopt.

Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, told Us Weekly "I can confirm Madonna is in Malawi on a private visit. She is building an orphanage and child care center and is involved in other initiatives geared toward helping children orphaned by AIDS thru the Raising Malawi organization. She has not adopted a baby despite reports that she has."

People along with other news sources have gone with Madonna's rep and denied Madonna has adopted.

I really hope Madonna didn't adopt. The adoption story already makes her sound so fickle. She was still changing her mind about the sex of the baby a couple weeks before the adoption? And she had twelve babies hand selected for her to choose from? She's totally treating the whole adoption thing like the fashion trend that it is. She probably changed clothes and decided that a little boy would match her outfit more than a girl would, or realized that her favorite baby clothes designer has a hot new line of boy clothes out this year.

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