Skeletor returns

Ugh, do we have another Bobby Brown issue here? Because J-Ho has been lookin HURT since she's gotten with him. I mean, good god, LOOK AT THEM. He is such a trainwreck. And a velvet suit?! Are you sure about that? The sheen dancing off bones is really confusing. That coupled with the veins in his hands is really FrIgHtEnInG. And please, for the love of god, J-Ho, share some of your under-eye concealer with him. Real men wear makeup! Or whatevs, just tell him that while he's drinking blood. Speaking of makeup...J-HO...WTF?! What is going on with her makeup lately?!

This makeup makes her look so old, her nose randomly looks like someone pushed their thumb on it, and the orange bronzer with pink gloss is really not doing it for me. They both need new makeup people PRONTO.
More of the trainwrecks at the 10th Annual Ace Awards Gala

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