Clues to the split?

A few gems from Ryan's 2002 interview with Howard Stern, an interview that Reese was so upset about that she forbid Ryan from ever going on Howard's show again:
-There is no pre-nuptial agreement, so he will get half no matter what
-Ava's been sleeping in their bed every night and it's been driving Ryan nuts
-Howard: "I don't know how the hell you're going to stay married"
-Ryan goes to therapy for depression and also talks to his therapist about his career
-Reese isn't into threesomes
-Ryan has been hit on by gay casting directors
-Ryan said he would tell Ava when she's older that she was unplanned
Ryan also told the media in 2002 that they were in couples therapy. I guess they held on for another 4 years after that. They should be proud, most Hollywood marriages don't last that long even if you count them in dog years.
It'll be great when Ava gets old enough to google herself, and finds this interview where her dad tells Howard Stern that she was a mistake. Classic.
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