Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Keira & Rupert on the rocks

Looks like Keira Knightly might just make the November list of celebrity splits...

Keira and her boyfriend Rupert Friend have been having some serious relationship issues.

"Keira's a really loving girlfriend but she's so insanely busy with work it's unreal.

She's done everything in her power to make Rupert feel important but he still complains that he doesn't get enough attention, and it's causing real friction."

Our insider tells us Pride And Prejudice hunk Rupert, 25, has told pals he feels like the "fifth element", saying she puts family, friends, work and "everything else" before him.

Our spies also tell us that Keira, 21, has turned down Rupert's offer to move in with him - causing further tensions. The mole continues: "She loves him but they've had some intense talks about where it's going.

"She's too young to settle down and she knows that work has to be her priority. It's up to Rupert to decide whether he can deal with that - if not their days as a couple look numbered."

Why am I not surprised. This guy looks like Orlando Bloom, only not as cute. The only way she'd hold on to him is if he disguised himself as an Oscar or a bottle of diet pills.

This hat may also be a major factor in her decision to dump him:


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