Cry Baby
Jude Law and Sienna Miller were spotted together at a Pepe Jeans party at 17 Berkeley Street in Mayfair. They were smiling and kissing.
By the time they left to head to the nearby Groucho club, Jude was more than a little unsteady on his feet.
He stumbled his way into their waiting car and appeared to have a little cry in the back seat.
So I have a number of reasons why he might have been crying:
1. He feels like his chest hair is being stifled.
2. He cannot control his curly locks.
3. He's utterly confused as to why Sienna is harnassed in leather.
4. He's devastated by his good looks.
5. He misses being spanked by his nanny lady friend.
Whatevs the reason is...he seriously needs to GET A GRIP. And FAST. I cannot handle the CrAzY chest hair AND the crying. I just can't.

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