Is Britney killing her career?

We all know Britney's career is headed down the tubes, but it may go down even faster than we thought it would. Brit has collaborated with her notoriously sleazy and untalented husband on his new CD, a move which could send them both to the poorhouse.
Britney Spears wants to do everything she can to help hubby Kevin Federline get his hip-hop career off the ground, but music industry sources say that in doing so she could be putting her own career in jeopardy. And even though she's reportedly contributing her voice to a duet called "Crazy" on K-Fed's album, the same sources say that doing that duet could seriously hurt Britney's prospects -- just like it did for Whitney Houston.
Indeed, after Whitney and Bobby recorded that 1993 collaboration, Whitney -- who not a year earlier had put out one of the biggest singles of all time, "I Will Always Love You" -- never quite recovered.
Uh oh... If Britney follows in Whitney's footsteps, she'll be trading in her cheetos for crack and her extensions for an old rag.
Enjoy it while you can, Federgrime...

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