Maddox is the hottest one in the car

Maddox is totally thinking "Dude, I'm right here! Quit trying to cop a feel on my mom!"
The Jolie-Pitts are running around in India, where they're about to start working on the Mariane Pearl biopic. Angelina will be playing Mariane and Brad will be producing. The film tells the true story of Mariane Pearl, whose husband was kidnapped and killed in Pakistan while working as a journalist for the Wall Street Journal.
Angie had this to say about the location of the movie:
"I am disappointed that we could not shoot the film in Pakistan, a country that I love and have visited three times."
We love you, Angelina, but there's really no need to remind us of how rediculously rich you are. You're so rich and well-traveled that you've visted every possible country a dozen times each. Next you'll tell us you've helped the locals build huts out of hundred dollar bills.

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