Paris Hilton is still a talentless whore
Good news, people: Her album has FLOPPED! Is anyone surprised?

The self proclaimed "iconic blonde" and "American royalty" is now finding out that a lazy eye and a few whiny lyrics just aren't enough to sell a hit album.
Paris Hiltons debut CD is being seen as a failure after its first week on the charts. "Paris" sold only 75,000 copies in the United States, barely ranking in the Billboard Hot 100 and a far cry from the chart topping Christina Aguilera, who sold 320,000 copies of her album last week. This week , "Paris" is projected to sell just 30,000 copies. Page Six says:
"The international outlook is not much better for her," one industry source told Page Six. "The international people are not inclined to do a big push since she can't back up the album with a tour. Obviously, she can't sing live." The source added that Hilton was advised a year ago to train her voice, work with choreographers and learn an instrument to prepare for a limited tour, but "obviously she didn't listen."
Paris Hilton training her voice? Somehow I doubt 100 years of voice lessons would bring anything bearable out of that nasally hook nose. She could just lip sync like every other pop star and focus on dancing, but her dance moves consist of a couple wobbly shimmys around a stripper pole and then lifting her skirt.
Paris using a microphone in the only way she knows how:
Don't quit your day job, Paris!
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