Cha ching

Word is going around that Federgrime keeps getting the Mrs. knocked up to get more cash out of her:
“Before he got married, Kevin was sitting down with lawyers, discussing legal and financial issues,” says a source. “He was sitting sort of slumped over with a baseball cap over his eyes and a lawyer was talking about how he had to sign a pre-nup and Kevin looked sort of bummed out. But then the lawyer explained that for every child the two of you have together, you would receive X amount of dollars. His eyes really lit up.”
Of course they lit up. He was a struggling dancer. Can anyone picture K-Fed dancing? Exactly. As bad as it is in your head, is as bad as it is in real life. And considering his radioactive super swimmers, this is the easiest money he could possibly get his hands on. The only other way it would be easier, is if someone paid him to be gross, dumb and in need of severe exfoliation. Or if someone gave him a dollar everytime he sparked up a doobie. He'd be rolling in it then and could buy all the wife beaters his little heart desires. PopoZao!
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