Intimately Beckham for ME

Posh and Becks are coming out with new frangrances for men and women next month, so they can rake in the millions.
David and Victoria Beckham are hoping to dominate the fragrance industry with their his 'n her scents, named "Intimately Beckham for Him" and "for Her." Posh's perfume reportedly captures "the essence of Victoria known only to the people closest to her." The scents make their debut on September 1 in the UK.
The only reason men will buy this cologne, is to be like the fiercely hottttt Becks. Attach his ass to anything, and that bitch will sell. I will douse myself with that cologne to feel like he's all over me. Posh's perfume, on the other hand, will need a lot more ass to sell anything. Clearly they're using too much ass to get "the essence of Victoria known only to the people closest to her." Ew. I don't want to get that close to a robot. I'm glad they at least photoshopped her to be more human looking. Bones don't have the pizzazz to sell. There is no way her bum, arms and legs are that thick. Too bad they forgot to photoshop her nasty ass weave.
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