Madonna thinks she is a miracle worker

"The 'Hung Up' singer and her film director husband Guy Ritchie have reportedly lobbied the British government and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) with the idea to use the "mystical" liquid to treat the radioactive by-products of nuclear power.
It is claimed the fluid has already worked when used in Russia on nuclear waste. The Kabbalah, a mystical off-shoot Judaism, teaches followers that water can obtain magical powers through "meditations and the consciousness of sharing."
Madonna has previously been quoted as saying: "According to science, we aren't going to have a planet in about 50 years at the rate we're going with nuclear waste. I can write the greatest songs, make the most fabulous films and be a fashion icon and conquer the world but if there isn't a world to conquer, what's the point?"
Guy is also said to have contacted British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) about the water and written a series of letters on the topic to the company."
So, the reason you want to save the world is so that people can keep listening to your overrated music and watching your awful movies? Yeah, you're not self-centered at all. We're so glad that you've taken a break from prancing around in purple leotards just in time to save the world with crazy-religion water.

The material girl in her many stages of crazy...

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