Get your hair re-did, P
As you all may have already seen, Posh has recently chopped off her "hair", read: weave, and is now sporting a heinous, spikey bob:

Ever the stylish div, isn't is just FAB that her hair now matches her spikey bones? Ugh, she is just glam all over. I cannot wait till this one starts beefing up and actually starts putting something in her's ALWAYS open anyway. For serious, P, close your mouth. People are gonna start thinking you eat...*shudder*.
"For years Victoria Beckham's long locks have been as much part of her look as oversize sunnies and Roberto Cavalli style frocks. But now her hair got a radical cut and husband David is said to be delighted with the stunning new style. "
BECKS! What the hell?! You should know better! Look at you! You are stunning, not to mention my HUSBAND. And as your wife, I am very disappointed that you think that maaajor case of bedhead is "stunning". It looks like she got slapped upside the head. Baby, you BETTER have done that. She needs a swift one.
"Another feature unveiled by the 32-year-old was a tattoo, running from her neck to just below her shoulders. Previously covered by her hair, the Hebrew characters reportedly read: "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine".
What-evvvs. It looks like a trail of ants. And my husband deserves better than that. He deserves his name in caps, on my chimis, aka breasteses, surrounded with hearts, and butterflies...and soccer ballz. And I will give him what he deserves.
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